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Tour de Scotty: Cycle to Support Bereaved Military Children

Fundraising Type
Fundraising opportunity


Now in its 5th year, Scotty's Little Soldiers brings you our cycling challenge – Tour de Scotty! It's time to hop back on the saddle and raise funds for bereaved military children and young people. The next Tour de Scotty will take place in July 2024.

Cycle 300, 500 or 900 miles over the course of the month. You can do it outside or inside, on the road or at the gym, even on the way to school or work. The great thing about the Tour de Scotty is that it can fit around YOU.

Please email Scotty's little soldiers to register your interest in advance at the link provided.

About Scotty's Little Soldiers

Scotty’s Little Soldiers is a military charity dedicated to supporting children and young people, 0 to 25 years, who have experienced the death of a parent who served in the British Armed Forces.   
Inspired by the lived experience of Army widow Nikki Scott, following the death of her husband, Corporal Lee Scott, in Afghanistan in 2009 while serving with 2RTR, the charity, which was set up in 2010, provides support and guidance to hundreds of bereaved military children and young people throughout their childhood.  
When a young person joins Scotty’s, they become a member and are supported until their 25th birthday. Whether it be one-to-one bereavement support, a respite break with the family, an opportunity to meet others in a similar situation, or access to extracurricular activities, Scotty’s is always there for its members to ensure they don’t feel alone. 
So far this year, Scotty’s has supported over 700 children and young people and services are delivered through three Family Programmes, available to all members:    
The SMILES Programme is about fun and engagement and includes activities, gifts, respite breaks and group events. The aim is for bereaved military children and young people to form friendships, benefit from peer support, heal with their family and feel part of a supportive community.  
The SUPPORT Programme looks after emotional health and wellbeing and includes 1:1 bereavement support.  
The STRIDES Programme focuses on education and development needs, removes barriers to learning and helps young people gain confidence that can be lost after a bereavement.  
Scotty’s has a long-term goal to be supporting over 1,000 bereaved military children and young people annually by 2030. 

BUT we now know - thanks to MOD and Census data - that there are more than 2,100 newly bereaved military children EVERY year.

So we need your support to help spread the word and raise the funds so Scotty's can scale to meet the need. 