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Armed Forces Memorial Wall

Not For Profit
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Other (service)


The Armed Forces Memorial Wall is a lasting online tribute dedicated to honoring the lives of individuals who have served in the military. It serves as a platform to bring together the stories and memories of these remarkable men and women whose service and sacrifice have contributed to safeguarding our world.

If you have a family member or friend who served in the military and has since passed away, it's encouraged to take a moment to contribute their memory to the Memorial Wall. Recognizing and remembering their service is of great importance.

When adding a tribute to the memorial, you can include as much or as little information as you prefer. Ideally, it should encompass details about their military service and civilian life. While a picture is preferred, it's not obligatory, although it can help future generations remember these individuals and their contributions.

About The Veterans Foundation

The Veterans Foundation awards grants to small charities that have an armed forces or veterans beneficiary, donated by serving personnel and veterans.