In recognition of your inherently mobile career, frequently remote bases and terms of service, Regular Service and Full Time Reserve Service (Full Commitment) personnel are provided with high quality subsidised accommodation. The type of accommodation offered will be within an appropriate distance of your duty unit and you may be eligible for allowances to support the cost of moving. Service Family Accommodation If you are married, in a civil partnership, or are a single parent with permanent custody of your child/children, you are entitled to Service Families Accommodation (SFA), located within 10 miles of your duty station. The type of accommodation allocated will depend on your rank and/or the size of your family. Additional needs, such as a requirement for an adapted property to meet the needs of the occupants, are also taken into consideration. If you are living with a partner who is not your legal spouse or civil partner, in an established Long-Term Relationship (ie one that has lasted for more than a year and meets certain evidence criteria), you can apply as eligible to cohabit in surplus SFA in the UK only, where this is available. You must have completed Phase 1 training and be on a regular engagement or a Full Commitment Reservist. Substitute Service Family Accommodation If no SFA is available, there is a system to provide broadly equivalent suitable property from the private rental market. This includes the size and specification of the property, and it is to be located within an appropriate radius from your place of duty. Single Living Accommodation Single Living Accommodation (SLA) is provided for single and unaccompanied Service personnel. It is normally provided at the duty station in the form of a room (often en-suite) in a Mess or an accommodation block. Substitute Service Single Accommodation If no SLA is available within a 10-mile radius of your duty station, there is a system to provide broadly equivalent accommodation from the private rental market. What do I get? SFA, SLA and Substitute Service Accommodation are all designed to provide you and your family with good-quality, highly subsidised accommodation that is close to your place of work. For SFA, water rates are included in the accommodation charge, but you usually pay any utility bills, direct to the supplier. For SLA, utilities are included in the accommodation charge. A number of allowances are available to support you with the cost of moving, in particular Disturbance Expense, Movement and Storage of Personal Effects and, Insurance Allowance
About The Royal Navy
The Royal Navy recruits, trains and deploys highly skilled men and women to protect the nation’s interests at sea, under the water, and in the air.