SSAFA Gibraltar offers community health services to the serving Armed Forces community in Gibraltar, including Health Visiting and School Nursing. Health Visiting Service: Health Visitors are specialised nurses who work with families to support the health and wellbeing of babies and pre-school children. They collaborate with other healthcare professionals to ensure families have access to appropriate services. Health Visitors provide assistance with various aspects such as child development, managing minor illnesses, parenting support, mental and physical health of parents, and more. School Nursing: The School Nursing service is offered by Health Visitors in partnership with parents, school staff, and other professionals. It provides health advice to teachers, children, and parents on a range of health-related issues, including allergies, sleep problems, behavior, growth and development, and chronic conditions. The service also involves health screenings, vaccinations, and updating medical records. CONI (Care Of Next Infant): The CONI program is for parents who have experienced the sudden unexpected death of a previous baby and are expecting or have given birth to another baby. It offers support and tools to families during this stressful time. Accessing the Services: Health Visitors contact families with children under 5 years at various stages, including after arrival in Gibraltar, during pregnancy, and after childbirth. School health services include health screening and vaccinations in accordance with the NHS schedule. Overall, SSAFA Gibraltar's health services focus on promoting the health and wellbeing of Armed Forces families by providing specialised support throughout different stages of childhood.
SSAFA, the Armed Forces charity, provides lifetime support to serving men and women, veterans and military families in need.