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Swansea Homes For Veterans

Not For Profit
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Our Swansea Home for Veterans offers housing and support to ex-Service personnel who are homeless or are at risk of becoming homeless. All our residents must have served in the British Armed Forces. The home in Swansea provides support for up to four Veterans. We also have four self-contained flats. When you arrive at the home you will be introduced to your key worker, who will work with you to agree a support plan based on your individual needs. Our team can help you to access other appropriate agencies, including counselling services, drug & alcohol agencies and support groups, CAB and NHS Wales services wherever necessary. The houses are within walking distance of local amenities and bus services to the town centre, where you'll find bowling, a cinema, theatre and sports centres. Within the home, you can access training and develop the skills you need for independent living, including budgeting, healthy eating, shopping, and life skills. Training courses are also available through the local college. Most residents stay with us for up to two years before moving on to their own independent accommodation. When you are ready to move on, we can support you to find the right place, and help you with the practical tasks of setting up your new home. We can also keep in contact with you through your first few months whilst you find your feet. We accept referrals to our Wales Homes for Veterans from local support agencies, The Royal British Legion, local prisons and other charities. If you are homeless and think we can help you, you can also refer yourself, so please get in touch.

About Alabare

25 years later, Alabaré now offers support to over 3,000 people in need through its homes and services across the South and South Westof England and Wales. We provide specialist support for young mothers and their babies, people suffering from addictions, young people and those leaving the care system, those experiencing mental ill health, adults with learning difficulties, and Armed Forces Veterans who struggle to cope with life outside of the military. We also run training courses and day activities at two Development Centres in Wiltshire. Beyond this we also provide our learning difficulties clients with long term supported homes; a care service for those living in their own accommodation and a residential Christian Community.