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Support Supplement For Female Veterans

Fundraising Type


A short term grant of variable duration for those applicants below State Retirement Age. It can be used to cover income shortfalls arising from delays in receiving state benefits or short term loss of salary due to medical treatment.

Who Is Eligible For Help? Any former ATS or WRAC servicewoman, including TA, with one day’s paid service or more, is eligible for assistance.

Are There Any Other Criteria? Yes, you must be in need of financial help. There’s also a limit on the amount of savings that you can have above which the Benevolent Fund is unable to make an award. To qualify for a maintenance grant you must be living alone on a basic state pension and in poor health.

How do you Apply for Help? If you are a former ATS or WRAC regular or TA servicewoman who needs assistance, or if you know someone who is, then your first port of call is your local branch of SSAFA or regional Royal British Legion (RBL) office. SSAFA or the RBL will arrange for a trained caseworker to interview you in your home to establish the full range of assistance that you need. The caseworker will complete a report that includes details of your household income. This is called means-testing and ensures that your Benevolent Fund’s charitable money goes to those in real need. When the report is complete it is sent to the Benevolent Fund Secretary. Once received, applications are considered at the appropriate grants committee meeting and a decision is taken.

Please view the URL provided for SSAFA or RBL's contact details.

About Women’s Royal Army Corps Association

WRACA supports Royal Welch Fusiliers veterans through welfare, comradeship and social activities. Their help ranges from financial assistance to recovery from addiction.