If you’re under the age of 18 or doing your Phase 1 training, you could get assistance with the cost of getting home from your duty station
This allowance is designed to help junior Service personnel adjust to life in the Armed Forces by helping with travel costs when they return home to visit close family or friends.
You will be given a rail, air or ferry ticket for your journey or get a mileage allowance if you use your own car or motorbike.
The number of journeys you can claim for depends on your age and stage of training. If you are under the age of 17 years and 6 months when you commence your Phase 1 training, you’re entitled to one return journey for every three months of paid service until your 18th birthday.
If you’re over the age of 17 years and 6 months when you commence your Phase 1 training but under the age of 18, you’re entitled to two return journeys, which must be taken before you begin your Phase 2 training or your 18th birthday – whichever comes later.
If you’re 18 years of age or over when you commence your Phase 1 training, you’re entitled to two return journeys, which must be taken before you begin your Phase 2 training.
To view more about how to submit your claim, please visit the link provided.
About The British Army
The British Army protects the United Kingdom’s interests at home and abroad, providing a safe and secure environment in which all British citizens can live and prosper.