Our 12 week programme, designed and developed in consultation with veterans, is the only one of it's kind in the UK and balances emotional, physical and mental recovery. In a typical week, the community will take part in a wide variety of sessions and activities - therapeutic and educational groups, recovery assignments, mindfulness meditation, 5-a-side football, fitness training, workshops, art & equine therapy. We build each week around three interpersonal group therapy session for all clients, as well as individual counselling session for each client every week. Alongside these sessions, there are also opportunities for the community to attend retreats and residentials in the natural environment of the nearby Lake District, and take part in a wide range of other outdoor pursuits. Following completion of the programme there is ongoing support, with online sessions, and for those who remain in Liverpool, more in person opportunities for connection. There is also an online relapse prevention course bolted onto the end of the course.
About Tom Harrison House
Tom Harrison House offers supported living accommodation for young men aged 16-25 who are at risk of homelessness in Northumberland.