The Army Welfare Service (AWS) is the Army’s professional welfare provider; it delivers a comprehensive and confidential welfare service responsive to the needs of individuals, families and the Chain of Command in order to maximise the operational effectiveness of Service Personnel. Personal Support staff provide accessible, independent, confidential and professional specialist welfare services to Service Personnel and their families; and in doing so strengthen and enhance the resilience and resourcefulness of Service personnel and their families. Specialist advice is also provided to the Chain of Command and outside agencies and is delivered by Army Welfare Workers and Personnel Recovery Unit Social Workers. Personal Support services help with matters such as Domestic Abuse, Child & Adult Safeguarding, Bereavement, Relationship Difficulties, Stress & Anxiety Management, Emotional Well-being, and Signposting. For all Personal Support enquiries and referrals please contact the Intake and Assessment Team (the AWS welfare single point of contact).
About The British Army
The British Army protects the United Kingdom’s interests at home and abroad, providing a safe and secure environment in which all British citizens can live and prosper.