DAAS and StandTo are looking for someone with a military background to bring that experience and understanding to our board of Trustees. We are a registered charity in Derbyshire supporting people with alcohol and substance misuse problems. We have a dedicated veteran to veteran services for ex-armed forces and their families in Derbyshire, accessed through our Veteran Information Point (The VIP). We are looking for a veteran who might be able to join our DAAS Trustee Board, who can represent the views of our veteran community.
The role will require attendance at one 2 hours meeting per month, or if this is not possible, to attend 4 meetings per annum and/or provide input by email. Meetings are not currently face to face and are conducted by Zoom.
If you are interested in helping to ensure the needs of our veteran community are discussed at Board level and factored into our decision-making process, please contact Elaine Handley at the link provided.
About STAND TO: Veterans Support
StandTo offers PTSD therapy using immersive virtual reality technology to help veterans and first responders suffering trauma.