A Guide to Civilian Housing for the Forces: Webinar
DTS delivers an annual programme of civilian housing briefings to help inform and guide Service personnel and their families about the choices available to them and the need to plan ahead. Briefings are open to all Service personnel and their families, at any stage of their Service career. These briefs are designed to give you the information to help you make informed choices on your civilian housing, the briefings cover the following areas:
House purchase (including Forces Help to Buy), private rental
Independent financial advice (provided by the Service Insurance and Investment Advisory Panel members), social housing
Affordable home ownership schemes.
You must register to attend the meetings, which are held on Microsoft teams. The host from the Defence Transition Services will be able to answer questions or signpost you to the relevant support services.
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The Ministry of Defence website provides information on military veteran policies, healthcare, housing, records, pensions and more.