Inspiration Points are a simple way to offer support for mental health and well-being in public spaces. They consist of posters or display stands with a code that directs you to, a website with resources for Northern Ireland residents. These points help individuals dealing with issues like anxiety, stress, grief, addiction, and financial stress by providing information and contact details for support services. They are discreet and aim to ensure people can access help when needed. You can request an Inspiration Point for your public space, and it's free for businesses, charities, public services, and more. Having an Inspiration Point demonstrates care for mental health, raises awareness, and combats the stigma surrounding mental health issues. For more information or to become an Inspiration Point partner, contact.
About Inspire Wellbeing
InspireWellbeing provides accessible mental health services across several London boroughs including counselling, peer support, advocacy, housing help and creative therapies. Their holistic approach supports community wellbeing.