An Evening With The Special Air Service offers a unique opportunity to explore the renowned fighting force. The event includes a live auction of SAS Memorabilia and will feature insights from Colin Maclachlan, a former 22 SAS operator known as The Pilgrim, and Damien Lewis, a world-famous author. Additionally, historian Peter Forbes will deliver a lecture on the life of Lieutenant Colonel Paddy Blair Mayne. The event aims to raise funds for the Armed Forces, Emergency Services, Veterans, and their families dealing with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. You can get tickets on Eventbrite and support the charity Who Dares Cares by taking on a charity challenge or contributing to their cause.
About Who Dares Cares
Who Dares Cares supports veterans transitioning into civilian life across the UK through security industry training and employment programs. Their skills bridging initiatives aim to enable fulfilling second careers.