Supporting former servicemen and women.We know it can be difficult to ask for help. Our specialist substance misuse teams can give you advice on how and where to get help with alcohol or drug problems.
When you contact us we’ll arrange to meet you. We’ll talk about your current circumstances and what you can do to improve your situation.
We’ll help you access specialist services in your local area so that you can manage your addiction.
We can also help you access services related to mental health, housing, criminal justice, employment and benefits, education and training, and healthcare.
Please find our contact details at our website provided.
About Combat Stress
Combat Stress, the UK's leading veterans' mental health charity, provides clinical treatment and support for veterans from the British Armed Forces, focusing on those with complex mental health issues resulting from their experiences during military service. When some military personnel leave service, their experiences can’t easily be left behind. Without treatment, psychological trauma can eventually tear lives apart.
For over a century, the charity has helped former military personnel with mental health problems such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety and depression.
Combat Stress services are provided across the UK, in-person and online. At a time that can be isolating and daunting, the charity is here to help.