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Financial Help for ex-Servicemen and women: Getting the support you need 

Created on 23 Jan 2025

Updated on 29 Jan 2025

Benefits, Grants, Armed Forces Compensation: An overview

It can be overwhelming when looking at your finances both when you are in the military and in particular when you leave. The added extra costs of living and what you could be entitled to in civvy street can be complex so it is important to understand where you can get support if needed. We have put together an overview with experts signposted to guide you to the right financial support you and your family need. 


Benefits: Entitlement and Eligibility

There are a number of benefit schemes veterans and their families could be entitled to but it depends on your personal circumstances whether you are eligible or not. Below is a brief overview of the most common benefits you might be eligible for with signposting on how to apply:

  • Personal Independence Payment - PIP can help with extra living costs if you have a long-term physical or mental health condition or a difficulty doing certain everyday tasks because of a disability.
  • Armed Forces Independence Payment: You will not be able to get PIP and Armed Forces Independence Payment (AFIP) at the same time but AFIP is designed to provide financial support to service personnel and veterans seriously injured as a result of service. You could be eligible if you were injured on or after 6th April, 2055 or who have an Armed Forces Compensation Scheme (AFCS) Guaranteed Income Payment (GIP) which is in Band A - C.  
  • Universal Credit: Universal Credit is replacing Child Tax Credit, Housing Benefit, Income Support, Jobseeker’s Allowance, Employment and Support Allowance and Working Tax Credit. It is a payment to help with living costs and for those who are on a low income or out of work. 
  • Carer’s Allowance: You may be entitled to carer’s allowance (£81.90 a week) if you care for someone at least 35 hours and they get certain benefits - which includes the Armed Forces Independence Payment. 
  • Council Tax Reduction: You could be eligible for a council tax reduction if you’re on a low income or claim benefits. You can apply if you own your home, rent, are unemployed or working. Your allowance depends on certain factors including where you live - each council runs their own scheme - household income and whether children or other adults live with you.
  • Serving military personnel: You are exempt from paying council tax if you are living in Service Family Accommodation (SFA) and Armed Forces Accommodation including barracks and messes.  If you are serving and you own your own home or are renting and you are deployed on operations overseas, you may be eligible for council tax reduction.
  • Veterans and their families: Like serving personnel overseas, you may be entitled to council tax reduction depending on your personal circumstances.

To work out what benefits you and your family are entitled to click here.

Armed Forces Grants and Funding 

Individual grants and funding for serving military personnel, veterans and their families are available through charities and the Ministry of Defence, these include:

  • Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust: Sponsored by the MoD, the Armed Forces Covenant Trust supports a range of programmes through grants for serving personnel, veterans, their carers and families. For example, one of their most recent programmes, The NAAFI fund makes grants to UK Armed Forces bases, for projects that improve the quality of life for serving personnel and serving families living on or near a Forces base.
  • Military Charities: A number of military charities offer grants to serving personnel veterans and their families and differ depending on the charity and individual grant. For example, The Army Benevolent Fund works in partnership with the Regimental and Corps charities and caseworking organisations to ensure members of the Army family receive the help they need. You can search for available grants here.

Armed Forces Compensation Scheme

The Armed Forces Compensation Scheme provides compensation for serving and ex-military personnel injured as a result of their service in the Armed Forces. Compensation can either be a tax free lump sum or a monthly Guaranteed Income Payment (GIP). You can claim whether you are still serving or have left the Armed Forces. 

If you are a veteran and your injury was caused or made worse as a result of service in the Armed Forces before the 6th, April 2005, you can claim under the War Pension Scheme (WPS) - find out more about pensions here.

Financial help is available in various forms, but knowing where to start can make all the difference. Whether you're still serving, transitioning to civilian life, or supporting a military family, understanding your entitlements ensures you get the support you deserve. Further information, financial opportunities and expert guidance tailored to the Armed Forces community can be found here.